What is it all about?
As leaders, we are always searching for simple steps to strengthen our team’s execution and creating an inspiring team environment with an open communication culture among employees.
You can accomplish this through many different methods – but here’s an easy way to get started: enjoy Dinner and Learn.
When does it take place?
3 times per year we meet in a nice location, we share our
knowledge and experience, discuss solutions for improving workflow efficiency and making it more scalable.
Who is invited?
To these events are invited developers who lead a team,
guests from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany or Ireland,
and representatives from the Core Team of Backstage IT.
There’s one more opportunity to become a part of this event – get a special invitation. We call it Wild Card! Each dinner, 2 employees of Backstage IT will be awarded with Wild Cards.

What is a Wild Card?
A Wild Card is an invitation card awarded to an employee of Backstage IT that is not a team leader, but is entitled to participate at the event and has the opportunity to improve his/her knowledge.

What is a Team Leaders dinner?
It is an Educational event aimed to help team leaders improve social and leading skills.
Like Eleanor Roosevelt said “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”
Combined with fine dinner and relaxed atmosphere it inspires and brings good results. All you will need is a fresh open mind and the willingness to participate in the discussions.
3 Ways Dinner and Learning
Benefits Your Team Leader Skills
You get face time with your team leader mates
and core-team members
The more we have worked remotely, the more we understand the value of facetime and we will jump at any opportunity to get it.
We want to create a company where people love to work and put their best foot forward and in this case it’s important that we have a space where team leaders can connect and get to know each other face-to-face.
Team Leaders Dinner puts facetime on your schedule.
You spark healthy debates around issues and topics
that you wouldn’t talk about otherwise
Agendas and topics are usually pre-set for any meeting. You put time on the calendar. There’s an issue or strategic decision to go over. And then you discuss what to do about it.
But if you get together with the purpose of learning something new, then you spark a whole different type of conversation.
Think about it. How often do you get to hear your colleagues’ input about a different leadership
style, client-facing issues, operational challenges, or general employee morale?
The Team Leaders Dinner is a gathering for open debate. It’s where you can encourage open sharing around topics that affect how your team operates. When you and your colleagues get together to share their ideas in these areas, everyone learns about and understands their role
That’s how we get people aligned and speak the same language.
You get a highly effective way to grow your team and, by extension, the business
When leaders of different teams attend the Team Leaders Dinner, and have a discussion around a business or growth topic that interests them, they take it back to their own work. You will get ideas that you would not have had if you hadn’t attended that discussion.
Then you will be able to modify that knowledge to work for your team, which will enable everyone to perform better and produce better results.
In teaching others, we teach ourselves!
Grill House Restaurant
24 Armeneasca str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Edition IV
29.03.2023, 18:00
Ivan Brook – Conflicts. Methods of solving and/or avoiding them. Practical examples.
IQ Games – Quiz Time
Edition IV
According to tradition, the 4th edition of the Team Leaders Dinner project took place in March. The subject of the edition was “Conflicts. Ways of solving/avoiding them”. This time, we encouraged each team lead to invite one member from their team.
The event was held at at the same cozy restaurant, Grill House, and the organizers from IQ GAMES managed to take us all out of the comfort zone and include us in practical exercises to understand the impact of conflicts on both the victim and the aggressor.
In the second part of the evening, a quiz was organized. It cheered us all up, and even if there was only a winning team, we already learned how to get over our emotions and resolve conflicts amicably.
Overall dinner was a huge success , which helped to build stronger relationships among team members.
Edition III
During our last retreat, we had an interesting discussion about mental health and burnout. Andrei Eşanu, our guest speaker, explained the causes of burnout, why it is crucial to prevent it, and the main challenges that arise when a team member is feeling burned out.
In the second part of the evening, Valeriu Bobutac, emphasized the importance of personality tests. Valeriu implemented 2 of them for his team: “Myers & Briggs’ 16 types” and “DISC Personality Test”. While the DISC personality test can give you a general perception of a teammate’s work ethic, the Myers & Briggs test is a more in-depth test, to better understand a person’s point of view and small details that not many people notice at the first glance.
To conclude, we had a very enjoyable evening. We discussed ideas and suggestions with our colleagues who encounter the same difficulties and problems daily. We definitely look forward to the next edition!
Edition II
On May 4th, took place the second edition of Team Leaders dinner.
The first part of the evening Sander Geels presented to team-leaders the strategy and future plans of BacksatgeIT.
The main topic of the second part of the evening was the curse and the blessing of working in teams. Something that everyone faces in day-to-day activity. Our guest speaker, Roman Gluck, explained the main difficulties that are encountered, why does it happen and how to avoid them. Dinner invitees shared their experiences, and how they managed to deal with problems appearing in their teams.
Edition I
The first edition of Team Leaders’ dinner was held in August. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we had to postpone this event for more than a year and a half, and we’re happy we could finally organize it again.
The two main speakers of the evening were Mihai Gatman and Ion Bunescu, team leaders of 4Suites and Planeo extended-teams. Each one prepared a presentation about the companies they are working for, and shared the most interesting stories that happened to them and how they could handle the situation. Listening to the presentations was very informative and entertaining.
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